Game design team collaborate with Chhbar Ompov school

The game design team went to Chhbar Improv high school on 16.1.2017 to test out our game with the 7th-grade student. It was a fun experience to teach them about our game. When we explain them they said they don’t understand but we said that’s okay if you try you will know. When they started playing the game they were laughing and enjoying and understand how to play. But one of the problems is that they need us to lead them to start like to give some idea to do.

We went to the same school on 24.1.2016. Our group had followed up with the director. So this time we have 4 old students who played last week and 8 new students. For the new student, they understand faster than the last student and when their turn they know right away what they going to do. For the old student, they can play faster and get to solve more solution. Our problem was collaborating we not really talk together but we argue together so it makes the game so slower. But it was a lot of good exasperate for us to test our game with them.

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