Christmas break reading book “NEVER FALL DOWN”

Over the Christmas break, I had read a book called “NEVER FALL DOWN” by Patricia McCormick. I diced to read this book because it’s a big thing that had effect Cambodian and also I can gain more knowledge about Khmer Rouge. This book It’s about the life of Arn Chorn-Pond, How he survives Khmer Rouge and how he gets to go to America. Here is where he started in April 1975, everywhere in Battambang was full of music and happiness. Every day he lives with his aunt, brother, and sister. At that time school was limited only rich kids can go to school and poor kids they go to learn and stay at the pagoda. Arn not only stays and learn at the pagoda, he even gamble with the elders so that he can earn money to buy something for his family. Then one day the Khmer Rouge soldiers had arrived in his hometown and everyone have to leave everything they own and go to work in a field. Arn’s life has changed forever. During the Khmer Rouge regime, everyone got separated and they have to do what Anrka said if they don’t they will die. Many many Cambodians had died or killed because of starving, dengue fever, stealing food or even the Khmer Rouge think that you not good to keep.

He a change agent to me, he been through Khmer Rouge as a kid and then he had to leave his country to the United state because he got adapted by a kind man at Thailand Camp. At the United state had to learn English, go to church and speak about what happened to Cambodia to these American. His life has never been easy after Khmer Rouge. He even got bullied during school and about what he did. Now Arn lives in Cambodia and he helps to spread awareness of the Khmer traditional instrument and he also created an organization called “The Khmer Magic Music Bus”. There is more about what happened to Arn during and after the Khmer Rouge. I suggest you read this book it’s very inspiring even he went through bad things in life he still has the courage to helps others that he know or meet.

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