Behind the mask: Effects of Makeup Usage on Young Teenager

In literacy class, we had a project to write like a newspaper about any topics that is gender equity based. My topics was about the effectiveness of makeup on young teenager.


Imagine this, If you were the person who wore make up everyday, it doesn’t matter thick or thin, someone asks you why do you have to wear makeup everyday? How would you answer this? Some people said  that they wear it to feel confident but the real reason is they feel less confident without makeup.

Liking yourself and being  happy are good, makeup is just an add on. People who routinely wearing makeup everyday are often less confident. Makeup is like a mask that hides the real you.  Soon putting makeup on will become part of your daily life. The confident you have in yourself will soon diminished.

Dear young teenagers, I know you want to be beautiful; however, sometimes we have to accepted the fact that everyone is beautiful in the way they are. Learn to love yourself, if you don’t love yourself, who will? Please take a look in the mirror every morning and your will realize how beautiful your face is without it. According to an article they stated, “But really, we’re all beautiful to someone and makeup can just be the icing on an already okay cake.”

You might think that makeup is a way to look more attractive but actually you not. Some men don’t expect their girlfriends to wear makeup, nowadays what you look like makes people love you just the way you are, Not that mask that you are wearing everyday, girls.

Do you ever want to wear makeup as soon as possible just like a grown up women’s? Again, please take a look in the mirror and look at your face; tell yourself everyday how beautiful you are and realize how much your face shines by itself. You don’t need makeup to be happy and to start your day. You may be tired of wearing makeups early and spent most of your morning just to look beautiful. But, what you natural look now is what older generations are trying to get back later in their life.

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