The World Needs Us

This is a poem that I made in just 2 hours for my literacy assignment and not only creating a poem but we also have to perform to our class mate creatively. 

Tittle: The World Needs Us

Listen! The world needs us

To be a role model

To be  change agents

To be activists

To be Scientists

To be doctors

To be…..To be the best person we could be

But it happens until we accept that difference in us


You say I dream too big

I say you think too small.

we need to take a pond of our self that It’s a challenge

Believing, it’s true

Take a stand

Let go that negativity

But it happens until we accept that difference in us

Empower each other, let’s not define who we are based on a single story

We accept that differences in us because we are all in one

We all are dream chaser

We are all making our world a better place

because we are all human trying to live our life

But it happens until we accept that difference in us

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