Math (Probability)


In the past few week, we were working on probability of simple events and this week we are working on probability of combined events. We have been focusing probability for a while now. Probability is a chance that something going to happens. It seems complicated for the probability of simple events because their lots of symbols that we have to learn and concepts. But for the probability of combined events, we are doing the math to figure out the probability that it will land on something for two or more events.

These are the set notation!

For the probability of combined events, we learn this two concept: Possibility Diagram and Tree Diagram. Which will show all possible events. Possibility Diagram is like a table but we can only use it for two combined events. Tree Diagram is like a branch that would connect from branches to branches and can use for more events than possibility diagram.

This is an example of possibility diagram!


This is an example of Tree Diagram!

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